Dear Chidu,
I understand very well that being born in the "Royal family of Chettinad", you have not been exposed to the colour Saffron (sacrifice) much and things came to you quite easily in life. I have been quite amused by the way you have been colour coding things related to terrorism of late. Take for example, the latest term coined by you- Saffron terror. Understandably the print and visual media went gaga over this new term and the euphoria has hardly died till now.
Have you ever noticed what an Oxymoron you have given birth to? Being a moron yourself, you must be in a better position to understand this than me, right? What exactly is "Saffron terror"? How can the colour Saffron which signifies valour, sacrifice and unquestioned nationalism since ages in India, be termed as terrorist? Or are you trying to imply that the Sangh Parivar has exclusive rights over the colour? People are too soft when they are in majority in India right? That is why you can go on talking crap, expecting them to take everything with a large pinch of salt? How convenient!
Not going into the merits of your claims about the link between Sangh and some freak terrorist attacks, I want to ask you just one thing. Do you have the guts to colour code global terrorism further and come up with another term like- say "Green Terror"? Can you Chidu? Can you really do that?
I know you will not do that. Your masters in 10 Janpath and elsewhere will not allow that. Further, you are not courageous enough to invite the wrath of the "Seculars" by uttering anything about the "Green Terror".
Anyway, I discount even that. Why not look into one more shade of terror which is 100 times more potent than the colour you have strong fetish for these days? Please do something about the "Red Terror" which threatens to take over a major chunk of our country. Our CRPF and Police jawans are not that expendable as you are making them to be, and you cannot just leave it to the states to fight this kind of terror.
The present Tri-colour to which all Indians, except some namakharaams in Lal Chawk, bow to has the colour Saffron on it as the top most one. When you insult the colour saffron, you are insulting the valour of Maharan Pratap, the jauhar and saka of the Rajputs, the sacrifice of the Gurus and the flag of Chattrapati Shivaji. Do not mess with our heritage with your brand of politics! Otherwise you will cease to command any respect left by now.
So Chidu, please wake up, smell a kappa coffee and deliver! Open your eyes and see where the real threat is coming from. And till then, please do not insult the colour saffron just for the sake of drawing attention away from your incompetence.
I understand very well that being born in the "Royal family of Chettinad", you have not been exposed to the colour Saffron (sacrifice) much and things came to you quite easily in life. I have been quite amused by the way you have been colour coding things related to terrorism of late. Take for example, the latest term coined by you- Saffron terror. Understandably the print and visual media went gaga over this new term and the euphoria has hardly died till now.
Have you ever noticed what an Oxymoron you have given birth to? Being a moron yourself, you must be in a better position to understand this than me, right? What exactly is "Saffron terror"? How can the colour Saffron which signifies valour, sacrifice and unquestioned nationalism since ages in India, be termed as terrorist? Or are you trying to imply that the Sangh Parivar has exclusive rights over the colour? People are too soft when they are in majority in India right? That is why you can go on talking crap, expecting them to take everything with a large pinch of salt? How convenient!
Not going into the merits of your claims about the link between Sangh and some freak terrorist attacks, I want to ask you just one thing. Do you have the guts to colour code global terrorism further and come up with another term like- say "Green Terror"? Can you Chidu? Can you really do that?
I know you will not do that. Your masters in 10 Janpath and elsewhere will not allow that. Further, you are not courageous enough to invite the wrath of the "Seculars" by uttering anything about the "Green Terror".
Anyway, I discount even that. Why not look into one more shade of terror which is 100 times more potent than the colour you have strong fetish for these days? Please do something about the "Red Terror" which threatens to take over a major chunk of our country. Our CRPF and Police jawans are not that expendable as you are making them to be, and you cannot just leave it to the states to fight this kind of terror.
The present Tri-colour to which all Indians, except some namakharaams in Lal Chawk, bow to has the colour Saffron on it as the top most one. When you insult the colour saffron, you are insulting the valour of Maharan Pratap, the jauhar and saka of the Rajputs, the sacrifice of the Gurus and the flag of Chattrapati Shivaji. Do not mess with our heritage with your brand of politics! Otherwise you will cease to command any respect left by now.
So Chidu, please wake up, smell a kappa coffee and deliver! Open your eyes and see where the real threat is coming from. And till then, please do not insult the colour saffron just for the sake of drawing attention away from your incompetence.
maybe that would open Chidu's eyes
good work
Nice one. Try to spread it to as many person as it is possible. Make sure it reaches to "chidu".
liked da love letter.... lol... it sud b a pin 2 da eardrum yaar...
liked da love letter.... lol... it sud b a pin 2 da eardrum yaar...
yeah a fitting one
i agree with "green terror"
Fitting one... I especially like the "green terror" part lolz
Time for someone to fling an addidas at chidu
PC needs to reboot...
PC needs to reboot...
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