Kashmir ... some random thoughts ...

Sunday, October 31, 2010

Heard a biatch's rambles on how the "Bhookhe-nange Hindustan" needs azadi from Kashmir as much as Kashmir needs azadi from India...

The first question that came in my mind was- What Azadi???

On what grounds does J&K want azadi?

What percentage of J&K is Kashmir?

Do Laddakh and Jammu want Azadi too ?

Why do some people love secularism when they are in minority but want Nizam-E-Mustafa when they are in a majority?

If Kashmir wants Azadi on the basis of the so called Kashmiriyat, then let them resettle the Kashmiri Pundits first, if they want azaadi on the basis of religion then it is much better to cull them like swine!!!

Kashmir did not do a favor to India by acceding to it. It was saved by India when its lands were looted, farms and homes burnt and honour raped by the very same people who are deemed as the saviors of Kashmir today by the namakharaam Hurriyat waalas. Once in, you are in for ever. By allowing Kashmir to secede we simply cannot start the Balkanization of India. All these talks of freedom of speech, democracy and all sound sweet coming from the coffee table intelligencia, at the end if the nation is not there, nothing will remain. So when supporting those morons in the name of freedom of expression; stop for a second and think about the soldier standing guard in the wilderness of Siachin. One day he should not turn around to find that there is no nation to back him.